
Join Us to Make a Difference to the World

Programmer Consultant

Location: Columbus, OH


  • Participate in process flow analysis and design.
  • Review and analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of existing systems.
  • Design and develop programs for improving integration of existing systems in landscape.
  • Assist in planning initiatives in application development, Systems solutions, future roadmaps, operations.
  • Identify industry best practices complaint 3rd party solutions.
  • Resolve software defects submitted in a bug tracking database.
  • Program evaluation and correction.
  • Develop programs to meet functional requirements and compliant to system architecture.
  • Develop and perform quality/testing programs identifying differences between established standard and user application.


  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering, information technology or Computer Science or a related field or its equivalent.
  • Exposure to any computer programming or software development and deployment is a plus.
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming languages.

Email us at or mail your resume to 2929 Kenny Road, Suite 210, Columbus, OH 43221